Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 whole Year

今年快要过了~很快的过多几天就要2010 年了~时间过得真快~!!一年过一年..一天,一秒, 一分,一时, 一日,一月........真的~。。17年就这样过了。明年就第18年了.=时间不等人...这一年是我留下最深刻的一年..这一年=2009year 也是我成长,了解,体验等等一却最快,最好的时机!!This year are form4.. Next year are form5,=.=scare..really scare about form 毕业了。i haven think nicely about my ambition..Starting frm this year..=orientation~=Lion dance ''chu dui''~=volleyball competiton =concert of sch~=probation of prefect.~=Lion dance club aktivity ~election`~sch sports day...SkII~food fair..Lion dance camp~And now last Lion dance competition!!and many many,mayb i will lost some hvn say..but this all already pass by time~sweet memory in my mind~=p..sure not everythings sweet lu ,also got bitter~unhappy,,haha..but also happy at last &learn many inside that..2009 years rockSss..~!!i like this year..GOodbye 2009..welcome to 2010 yearS~Good Luck at next the best..J.Z.K./. ThankSsss=2009 everthing..'buais=Bye WelcomeEee=2010

2010 years..i thinking planning 2 the best.,try about new time.,new life..and NEW "JONG ZHI KUANG"^^